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[Z943.Ebook] Ebook Download The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne

Ebook Download The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne

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The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne

The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne

The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne

Ebook Download The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne

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The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne

This is the second book in the ‘Baby for the Billionaire’ series. Drew Titan decides it's time to take a vacation at one of his exotic resorts, and ends up literally running into Trinity Mathews while he's surfing. They end up having a steamy romance over the week long vacation, until she finds out he's the resort’s owner, and lied to her.

Trinity has sworn off all business men, since she couldn’t seem to find one who knew how to remain faithful to her, which is what landed her at the resort in the first place. She goes back home to discover that her first impulsive thing she has done in her life has left her pregnant and alone, that is until Drew finds her and won't go away until she agrees to marry him.

Come enjoy the adventures Drew and Trinity take together in this fun filled story that has love, passion, fighting, and making up. Drew’s cousins Derek and Ryan add humor and even more love to the adventure, and will leave you wanting a hunk of your own.

  • Sales Rank: #4373 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-09-22
  • Released on: 2011-09-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

17 of 20 people found the following review helpful.
Wish my vacation could go down that way.....
By Kindle Lover
Wow, Drew is HOT, HOT, HOT....This story is everything you want in a romance novel. Hot guy, pretty girl, steamy sex, beautiful location, and lots of romance and a sweet love story. Off to read the third book......

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Great Read and a Real Page Turner
By The eBook Investigator
This is a great read and one that I highly recommend. I read book 1 and 2 in one day. I simply could not put them down.

Trinity Matthews has sworn off men since her recent breakup. She soothes her weary soul by emptying her bank account and leaving for an exotic vacation.

Drew Titan is a self made billionaire who owns a string of exotic resorts. When he shows up at the resort in Spain he literally runs into Trinity with his surf board and saves her from drowning. They embark on a steamy romance, the first impulsive thing she has done in her life. Drew keeps his identity a secret wanting her to care about him and not his money. When she finds out the truth she is furious, feels betrayed once again, and leaves the island immediately.

A month after her return home she is pregnant and alone until Drew tracks her down. He is determined to win her heart and be an everyday father to his child.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Hanging on to Okay Status by a Thread **SPOILER ALERT**
By Reading Fanatic

Sigh. I really, really wanted to love this book. The blurb made it sound so good, and it was just the type of story I was in the mood for. Overall I'd say it was borderline okay; there were parts that were so annoying that I wanted to toss my Kindle against the wall. This is the first book I've read by Ms. Anne, and while it wasn't a very good reading experience, it wasn't bad enough for me to say I'll never read another of her books. As a matter of fact, I do plan on reading the first book in this series, which I already own. I decided to read this book first, because I found the storyline very intriguing and I was in the mood for a story where the hero has to work to convince the heroine to marry him. As far as the technical aspect; writing, editing, plot, and character development, the book is pretty good. There were a few editing issues that I noticed, but nothing which distracted me from the story. As interesting as the plot is; however, I had a lot of issues with the way in which the story unfolded.

One thing I really liked about the book is, apart from a brief prologue, the story gets started right away. When we meet Trinity in chapter one, she is already on vacation--so we didn't have to go through a long drawn out introduction, watching her decide to take the vacation, makes plans, etc. Anyhow, she and Drew meet pretty quickly--you know what happens from the blurb; he knocks her out with his surfboard. LOL! Trinity is out of it for a while, due to the head injury, but when she comes back to her full senses and she and Drew meet, they agree that he will be her tour guide. Drew has decided that he wants to indulge in a vacation fling with Trinity; and plans to seduce her. He can't wait to get her in his bed, and has to force himself to wait. From the way he was thinking, I fully expected him to bed her that very first night...what actually happens is that the story then jumps to a few days later. Trinity now only has two days left of her vacation, and the couple has yet to consummate their "relationship." I was totally flabbergasted! I wanted to know what had happened during their first few days together, and I especially wanted to know why they hadn't had sex as yet. Had something significant occurred between the two, to make Drew decide to slow things down? Did he come to the realization that Trinity was special and was worth waiting for? I have no bloody clue. What I do know is that by this time Trinity is extremely sexually frustrated and seriously considering jumping Drew's bones! LOL

In any event, they finally do sleep together, Trinity finds out Drew is a lying sack of you know what, and the two go their separate ways....actually she leaves him, but whatever. The story then jumps ahead to five months later. Trinity is full blown pregnant and Drew shows up on her doorstep. From this point the story progresses with the two of them continually butting heads, as Drew wants them to get married and be a family and Trinity refusing to even consider the option.
While I respected Trinity's desire to stand on her own two feet and take care of herself, her constant refusal to accept Drew's help with the baby was beyond annoying. I'm so over the so-called "independent" heroine who insists on footing all the expenses for her baby--even though she can't afford it!--when the child's father is loaded and more than willing to help. I mean, it's one thing if the woman has everything covered--under those circumstances feel free to tell Daddy Dearest to take a hike. BUT, when you're struggling financially and HE is the one offering, not YOU asking, then you really need to put your pride aside and start thinking about your child. Maybe you don't want to take the new car he's offering, but a crib---hell ya! That last about a car vs. a crib is just an example BTW, and has nothing to do with this book. LOL Trinity desperately needs help with her baby--she doesn't even have health insurance for crissake! Yet still, she repeatedly and stupidly refuses to allow Drew to help her. At one point she's telling Drew that she needs to save all the money she can so she can afford the baby--he's a billionaire, the father of said baby, and willing to help, so I was rolling my eyes during that conversation. Even Drew was frustrated with the stupid female! LOL

The characters from the previous book, The Tycoon's Revenge (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 1) are very prominently featured in this book. I usually like it when characters from previous books are return in subsequent stories; it's like seeing an old friend. As I said earlier, I haven't read book one yet, but I didn't feel as though I was missing anything by reading this book first. While I liked getting an intro to the protagonists of book one, the parts of the story that involved them seemed almost trite. The whole family loyalty and being there for one another, blah, blah, blah, just seemed overdone. The second time Jasmine (heroine in book one) and Trinity meet, they are discussing a joint business venture. Yes, Trinity was a bit reluctant, but Jasmine was like a force of nature and pretty much swept over all Trinity's objections. Within days of their first meeting they are going to be partners and a building for the business has been purchased. WTF?! Trinity is single and pregnant, with financial problems; she wants nothing to do with Drew--or so she keeps telling herself--yet she's gonna go into business with his cousin's wife?! Isn't that creating more entanglements with Drew, rather than less? I'm sorry, but that aspect of the story seemed dumb. Not to mention that the whole approach to the business came off very much like a hobby for a rich man's wife, rather than a true business venture. But maybe that was just my impression.

I hated the way Jasmine kept referring to Drew and his cousins as "boys." They are men for crying out loud, not boys! If she'd done it once or twice maybe it wouldn't have bothered me so much, but by the time she said it the third time I was beyond annoyed. To be fair, it was probably due, at least in part, that so many other aspects of the story were also annoying the way the characters' attitude towards money. I realize that Drew and his cousins were once poor, and somehow they all ended up billionaires (I think they had a benefactor or some such) but really, do they have to talk about money so much, or have such a cavalier attitude about it. For instance, at one point Jasmine says "these boys have enough money to feed a small country..." Then there is another time when Ryan (hero in book 3) says he too will take a couple of weeks of, and "what are billions for?" Then there is the time when the three cousins go shopping at a local furniture store "that somehow managed to do right by billionaires." And there were a number of instances where they way they talked about their wealth made them seem, I don't know, superficial maybe. Whatever the word to describe them, it wasn't an attractive trait.

The progression of the relationship between Drew and Trinity itself isn't bad. She's having a difficult pregnancy, and is very moody, and poor Drew has to bear the brunt of her bad moods--serves him right! LOL! I love the way he was continually persistent, working to overcome all her objections to the two of them being together. However, I really liked the fact that Trinity wasn't just rolling over and agreeing to everything that Drew wanted. Her resistance to financial help for the baby was irritating, as I've said before, but other than that, I was pretty much on board with the way she made Drew work to win her. Of course there are times when her behavior went beyond stupid! Like the time she's put on bed rest due to high blood pressure, but she sneaks off to go check on her store. Why she couldn't just pick up the phone and CALL the store, I couldn't understand. No, I guess it made much more sense to WALK to the store to see what was going one, and risk her unborn child...within the first 24 hours of being put on bed rest of course! There are a few times during the story when I wish I could've slapped Trinity--she was just that stupid and aggravating.

There's a scene where Drew tells Trinity that he won't pressure her into having sex, "especially because it is forbidden in strict bed rest"--his words, not mine. Of course right after he says this the two end up having sex. Talk about responsible parenting. I guess I was supposed to find it romantic that they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Instead I was disgusted by their selfishness and stupidity. Of course Trinity goes into premature labor and they have to rush her to the hospital. She whines to the doctor, "What did I do wrong?" I'm like what didn't you do wrong? Didn't you sex when you thought you weren't supposed to? Not to mention that her adherence to strict bed rest was a complete joke. Honestly, by the time we got to this point in the story, the evil little person that lives inside of me would have been happy had the baby been a stillborn---her parents were just that stupid; especially Trinity! Of course the doctor reassures them that the sex was not the cause, but that's not the point...the point is, they thought that sex wasn't allowed during the bed rest restriction, but they selfishly went ahead did it anyway, thereby, as far as they knew, putting their unborn child at risk.

Unfortunately, the more I read the less I liked this story. Some parts were pretty good; while others were downright aggravating. I'm rating it 3 stars because it borders on being an okay read...not good, but not terrible. One other thing is the author uses the word "okay" a lot, both in the narrative and the dialogue portions of the story. That in itself is fine. The problem I had with it is the fact that instead of spelling out the word, she uses the all caps abbreviation, "OK." It was very jarring for me to whenever I came across an OK, especially in the dialogue, where sometimes there would be two OK's back to back. Anyhow, that's my take on the book. FYI, this is not a clean romance. There are a few fairly graphic love scenes; but no crude language is use. Happy reading!

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The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne PDF

The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne PDF

The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne PDF
The Tycoon's Vacation (Baby for the Billionaire, Book 2), by Melody Anne PDF

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