Minggu, 17 November 2013

[K315.Ebook] PDF Download Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger

PDF Download Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger

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Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger

Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger

Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger

PDF Download Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger

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Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger

Possible triggers: Past sexual and physical abuse, violence, mild language, and adult situations.

Friend. Lover. Warrior.

Magnus Tyrix is on his way home for the first time in eight years when he finds her purely by accident—Kymber Oryx, fighting off a band of vigilante thieves.

He’d been told she was dead, killed on the battlefield of Marilian ten years ago, her body buried in a mass grave.

Stepping in to save her from the thieves, he soon discovers she is a fragile shadow of the woman he once loved.

Magnus attempts to help her get on her feet, but Kymber is struggling with a brutal past. Try as she might, she can’t seem to find the heart that once beat inside her. The heart of a warrior. The one Magnus remembers.

The one he truly wants.

If lies and treachery tore them apart, a mutual purpose will reunite them. Silverlight, Kymber’s beloved sword, still hangs upon the enemy’s wall.

Will they sacrifice the future to retrieve a piece of the past?

  • Sales Rank: #150977 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2016-01-18
  • Released on: 2016-01-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"A fantastic book from a very talented author." InD'Tale Magazine, May 2016 issue.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
2016's Fantasy Book of the Year
By Backstage Blogs
SL Jesberger is one of those rare authors that I simply cannot get enough of. This becomes an even bigger compliment to her skills when I admit that, in general, I am definitely not a fan of fantasy. Her Allainshire trilogy sucked me in, and I was honored when she asked me to be a beta reader for this new stand alone (although I truly hope she will revisit this one someday.) Though I have nothing but praise for everything I have read of hers (no little feat with my aversion to worlds and creatures that don't agree with my experiences), I have to say that I think Silverlight is her best work to date.

Before I venture into the actual review, I must take a moment to gush over the cover. It is simply spellbinding and absolutely stunning. The tribal design on the sword continues to haunt me, as does the siren call of the cover model's eyes. I even caught my husband picking it up to look at it a number of times, and commenting on the beauty of the sword, and the cover overall. This is not typical for him; I honestly cannot remember him ever commenting on any other cover art (other than pointing out that a guitar on one rockstar romance was set for a left handed guitartist.) I would highly encourage everyone to order the paperback version of this book if only so you can truly appreciate the artistic beauty of the cover. If set on your coffee table, I guarantee your guests will not be able to resist picking it up for a closer look. The mesmerizing aesthetic is rivaled only by the contents held within.

Kymber is one of the most fascinating heroine's I have read in, perhaps, forever. The adopted daughter of the owners of a highly acclaimed academy for swordsmen, she was one of the most skilled students to have ever walked its hallowed halls. It was also there that she met her soul mate and love of her life, Magnus. Their combined skills and passion had them well set to rule the worlds they inhabit (and remember, throughout this review, that it is not easy to get me to immerse myself in books of places and creatures that don't exist in my realm of experience) that is until Kymber is betrayed by one she trusts deeply, Magnus' own brother, and sold into slavery to the ruler of the darkest country in their lands. Meanwhile, Magnus has been led to believe that Kymber was killed in battle, and has spent the years since in deep mourning for his lost love.

When he comes across a group of vulgar thieves attacking and stealing the few worldly possessions of a maimed and nearly feral woman living in the caves of the area he is traveling, he cannot believe he has found his Kymber. She attacks him as viciously as she is able to, as his brother had led her to believe that Magnus was the one who had turned her over to the terrible fate she had faced for years until she had managed to achieve a near miraculous escape. Ashamed of her disfigurement, learning her parents had passed on, and simply not knowing whom she can trust, she has lived hand to mouth in hiding.

Ms. Jesberger does such a wonderful job of bringing these characters to life, and the power and passion of their emotions is impossible to resist. From beautiful prose to bawdy humor, and everything in between, I savored every word of this one. I continue to hope that she will decide to make this the first book of a series, because I loved and admired Kymber's strength, resilience, anger, determination and passion, and Magnus' clueless alpha male behavior that almost hid the depth of his passion for only this woman and the goodness that ran through him. In his softer moments he will melt your heart, in his most thick headed ones you will share Kymber's anger and frustration and in his protective and concerned mode you will simply swoon. SL's way with words has very few rivals; I love her prosaic details of place and emotion and simply adore her sense of humor. It makes for an addicting combination - even though this one has not officially been released I am already anxious for something else from her.

I would give this at least 10 stars if I was able, and obviously it comes with my highest recommendations. For adult audiences only for sexual situations and explicit violence.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Book Review: Silverlight
By Pamela K Kinney
Magnus Tyrix was riding to visit his sister, Karis, who he has not seen for nine years. Riding through the area brings back memories of his long dead love, Kymber Oryx, whom he fought beside and lost. He hears something coming from some caves south of Jalartha, a group of men are terrorizing a homeless woman. When she snatches his knife from the leader’s belt and executes maneuvers someone trained to do them, even with one mangled hand, he recognizes her as his long dead love Kymber. Except she is very much alive, though horribly thin, with a ragged haircut and dirty. Instead of visiting his sister, he takes her to a place where he can get her help. He discovers she thought he had been behind what happened to her, because of his brother Tariq and the barbarian, Garai. Eventually he takes her to his home to keep watch over her and train her back to the warrior she had been. He even promises to help her get his brother, plus retrieve her sword, Silverlight, from behind the throne of the barbarian Garai. For it was Garai who held her all those years, using her and making her fear. Magnus loves her enough to do anything for her. Even if it means sacrificing their future.

Silverlight is the romantic sword and sorcery we’ve been missing. It’s a mixture of Lord of the Rings and George RR Martin’s gritty, realistic saga, but Silverlight is still its own fantasy. One I am glad to add to my bookshelves.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Try this book and see if you like it! :)
By Stephanie Paeschke
This is a very good book about love and patience and supporting the person you love but it does contain triggers that maybe upsetting for some people. I plan to buy this book formally later because it was very good

See all 5 customer reviews...

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Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger PDF

Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger PDF
Silverlight, by S.L. Jesberger PDF

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