Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

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SAP Basis Administration Handbook, NetWeaver Edition by Mereddy, Ranjit [McGr...

  • Binding: Paperback

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Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

[V601.Ebook] Download Babylon Babies, by Maurice G Dantec

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Babylon Babies, by Maurice G Dantec

“What makes the novel so haunting is its vision of a near future in which society has fractured along every possible national, tribal and sectarian fault line.”
–The New York Times Book Review

In the hidden “flesh and chip” breeding grounds of the first cyborg communities, Toorop, a hard-boiled Special Forces veteran of Sarajevo, is hired by a shadow organization to escort a young woman, Marie Zorn, from Russia to Canada. But what appears to be a routine job is anything but. After completing the mission, Thoorop discovers that Marie is no ordinary girl. A genetically altered pawn in an elaborate plot, Marie is carrying a dark secret that could spell destruction for all humankind–if Thoorop doesn’t track her down before it’s too late.

“A vast encyclopedia of the future as seen through a crystal ball with cracks in the glass.”
–The Sydney Morning Herald

–Publishers Weekly

  • Sales Rank: #1207712 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-07-29
  • Released on: 2008-07-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.90" h x 1.15" w x 4.15" l, .55 pounds
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 544 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Explosive and paranoid, this futuristic fable by French sci-fi novelist Dantec explores the frightening ramifications of genetic experimentation. In a constantly shifting world conflict circa 2013, violent-minded (though well-read) Hugo Cornelius Toorop, a 20-year Special Forces veteran of the Bosnian conflict, is offered a lucrative new job by the Siberian mafia in Kazakhstan to transport a young woman to Montreal. Who is Marie Zorn, and what does she carry that is top secret? Armed with new identities and the requisite grenades, Hugo, along with his expert team—the gun-happy Israeli Rebecca Waterman and the hard-core Belfast rebel Dowie—get her to Montreal, where it becomes clear that Marie is a pawn in a vast, pernicious artificial biosphere program and that, moreover, she's pregnant, feared to be carrying an animal clone, and thus contaminated. The nimble, hyperbolic Dantec creates a surreal alternate identity for her on the streets of Quebec through a kind of virtual death. Toorop is pressed by a New Age army of cyborgs (aka Cosmic Dragons) to find Marie and bring her back, and under drug experiments he penetrates the double helix to achieve a surprisingly humanistic conclusion. Riddled with acronyms and pop culture allusions, this is an intense, intellectually labyrinthine ride. (Nov.)
Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


"Dantec has created a compelling story with evocative ideas that may prove even more illuminating with subsequent readings, and a reader who undertakes the arduous journey from cover to cover will be rewarded with an entertaining tale." Arthur Bangs sffworld.com

"Dantec is a literary revolution." Science Fiction

" Babylon Babies, an under-appreciated novel by French punk rocker turned writer Maurice G. Dantec, deserves a wider audience, and not just because its author is frequently mentioned in the same breath as Michel Houellebecq (and definitely not because the book is being adapted into a movie starring Vin Diesel)... what makes this novel (translated by Noura Wedell) so haunting is its vision of a near future in which society has fractured along every possible national, tribal and sectarian fault line." New York Times Book Review

"Riddled with acronyms and pop culture allusions, this is an intense, intellectually labyrinthine ride." Publishers Weekly

"[T]his novel by Maurice Dantec was an epic ride." ThickOnline.com

"The book deals with the breakdown of community and political certainty. It is gingered with snippets from Dantec's favourite philosophers and loaded with thoughts of his own. The result is a real workout for the reader. Babylon Babies is a vast encyclopedia of the future as seen through a crystal ball with cracks in the glass.... Babylon Babies is part of a genre that makes play with religious ideas. You might call it theo-fiction." The Sydney Morning Herald

About the Author
Maurice G. Dantec was born in France in 1959. A former advertising executive and songwriter for a French punk-rock group, Dantec is a shameless lover of science fiction, crime novels, and metaphysics. He is the author of Red Siren, which won France’s 813 Award for best crime novel, and The Roots of Evil, which won France’s Prix de l’Imaginaire. He is also the author of Villa Vortex, Cosmos Incorporated, and Theatre of Operations, a series of journal essays. He lives in Montreal.

Most helpful customer reviews

17 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
Toorop is a first-rate character, but the rest of Dantec's universe is not quite so winning
By D. Beatty
I read this book after seeing the movie Babylon A.D. I knew it was going to be a "different" read after getting it through interlibrary loan and finding it published by semiotext(e) under the MIT Press. Just Google semiotext and have a look at their eclectic offerings.

The movie is only okay - it really seemed to be lacking in story and character development. I happen to like Vin Diesel and can be satisfied sometimes with mediocre sci-fi movies so it was fine for me.

As a fast-paced tome of more than 500 pages employing a high-level vocabulary, I quickly found that the book has a lot more to say than the movie, which is only a shadow of the book and deviates from it quite a bit.

As for the book, I was drawn in instantly even though I had no prior conception that I'd actually like the book - unlike some books where it takes me a few chapters to decide if I'm going to like it or not. With this one, you'll probably know right away, and your reaction will probably be pretty strong one way or the other.

I found Cornelius Hugo Toorop to be an interesting and engaging character, and I'd be happy to read a whole series of books about him - an aging dope-smoking almost-Muslim intellectual mercenary killer of Central Asian wars with the strategic brain of a general but without the ambition or coldness of a warlord, who is drawn into a vision quest that leads him to improbable yet sentimental fatherhood.

As for the big plot, even though you can tell what's coming if you pay any attention, it draws you along and keeps you turning pages to find out how things will play out to their conclusion. The level of drama and revolution in the climax for the characters doesn't translate fully to the reader - but it remains satisfying. The most satisfying element for me was the evolution of the main character to his next stage of life, coinciding with the next stage of human evolution itself, although I felt somewhat dissatisfied with the psychotropic vision quest of Toorop - it fits well in the world created by Dantec, but it seemed a bit stunted and slightly artificial as a vehicle for Toorop's evolution.

And while some people surely hate it, I liked Dantec's technobabble acid-trip-esque writing style, to a point - it carried me into another strange parallel world that was sci-fi, cyberpunk, and tripped-out. The impatient, conventional, or fledgling reader will likely find it indigestible. If you liked Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange, you might like this.

There were too many pages spent on characters too strange or flat to connect to, although they seemed to exist only as vehicles for advancement of story and not so much in interest for them. Also a bit too much writing was spent in trying to explain or describe the inexplicable/indescribable just so you get a sense of how inexplicable/indescribable it is supposed to be without really believing it.

Sexuality is a central theme, as is post-apocalyptic destruction by religious sects, motorcycle gangs and other strange chaotic denizens of Dantec's weird creation. Oh, and graphic language exists throughout - so this is probably not the best choice for a junior high reading circle.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
excellent book
By Melanie A. Fisher
I enjoyed this book, makes you do some thinking, even if it's an action/adventure book.

2 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Page turner thats verbally a mess
By Timothy S. Chamberlain
For anyone that might think this book has anything to do with the movie Babylon AD, the movie merely borrows some names of characters. The writing style - or maybe I should say the translation style - is a mess. All these phrases that add up to little more than nothing. There are good guys and bad guys, there is mysticism, there is an almost empty mystery at its core. But, it is a page turner. But let's be clear: the center of this world is Canada and the girl/woman that is the "package" is anything but an innocent angel. The male character whose journey we follow is a mercenary with a heart of gold.

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Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

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You may not have as much control over your thoughts as you think you do. Part of your brain is a wild, irrational beast, and it's up to you to teach it to behave!

The way we humans think isn't as straightforward as it might seem. Our thoughts actually come from three different parts in our brains: a rational, humanlike brain, a calculating computer brain, and a loud, emotional chimp brain that overpowers the others. The Chimp Paradox will teach you how to manage your thoughts, giving your rational human brain the control it needs, and getting your chimp brain under control.

You will learn:

� Why the chimp brain's drives are too powerful to change

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  • Sales Rank: #85031 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-07-08
  • Released on: 2015-07-13
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

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  • Published on: 2007-08-28
  • Binding: Paperback

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Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

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John Steinbeck: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work (Literary a to Z Series), by Jeffrey Schultz, Luchen Li

"Critical Companion to John Steinbeck" celebrates this preeminent American writer who in his works confronted and explored the social fabric of the United States in the early 20th century. More than 500 entries include synopses of his novels, short stories, and nonfiction; descriptions of his characters, from the Joad family in "The Grapes of Wrath" to Lennie Small in "Of Mice and Men"; details about family, friends, and associates; information about film and television adaptations of Steinbeck's works; and discussions of places that influenced Steinbeck - from Salinas, California, to Paris, France.

  • Sales Rank: #2965680 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Facts on File
  • Published on: 2005-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.75" h x 7.75" w x 1.25" l, 2.15 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 406 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From School Library Journal
Grade 9 Up–This excellent resource is divided into three parts: Biography, Works A-Z, and Related People, Places, and Topics. The first and shortest section provides a summary of Steinbecks birth, early childhood, education, and career. The bulk of the book offers descriptions of all of his works–published and unpublished. Many of these entries include background information, critical summaries, discussions of the works early reception and contemporary perspectives, chapter-by-chapter synopses, information on film adaptations, and further-reading suggestions. Entries in the final section run the gamut from notes on the writers relatives and friends to the name of his high school yearbook. Appendixes include a chronology; chronological, alphabetical, and categorized bibliographies of Steinbecks works; a bibliography of secondary sources; and more. Black-and-white photos of the man and the people and places in his life and works and a few film stills are scattered throughout. A terrific choice for literature students.–Pat Bender, The Shipley School, Bryn Mawr, PA
Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From Booklist
The intent of this volume is to provide a "comprehensive review of Steinbeck's life and an examination of his work." The book is divided into four parts. Part 1 provides a biography of Steinbeck, with a nice overview of his life, including details about how his family came to live in California. Part 2 contains information about Steinbeck's works, including novels, essays, articles, and screenplays. Part 3 has information about people, places, and topics related to Steinbeck's works or life. Part 4 consists of appendixes. Dispersed throughout parts 1 through 3 are black-and-white photographs of the author and movie stills.

In part 2, "Works A-Z," entries vary in length from a partial page for magazine articles to several pages for major novels. Entries for works such as The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men contain sections on early criticism and contemporary perspectives as well as a detailed synopsis and descriptions of characters. There is also information on film versions. Many entries contain a "Further Reading" list for additional research. Part 3 is also arranged alphabetically, with entries on family members, filmmakers, fellow writers, and others as well as on topics such as Academy Awards, Farm Security Administration, and Monterey, California. Entries are generally short, although a few longer entries discuss important themes, such as Politics and Steinbeck's fiction.

One of the appendixes is a chronology of Steinbeck's life. Another one contains selected Steinbeck awards and honors with the year and the name of the award. A third contains a listing by year of Steinbeck in film, television, and theater. This is followed by chronological and alphabetical listings of Steinbeck's works and a bibliography of important secondary sources.

This book is suitable for public libraries, high-school libraries, and academic institutions serving an undergraduate population. It is an excellent general resource for everything Steinbeck. Jennifer Dawson
Copyright � American Library Association. All rights reserved

About the Author
Jeffrey Schultz holds a B.A. from Georgetown University and an M.A. from Claremont Graduate School. He has taught history, government, and humanities at Colorado College, Ashland University, and White Plains College and has produced political, religious, and literary reference books. His most recent works include The C. S. Lewis Readers' Encyclopedia, The Encyclopedia of Women in American Politics, and Presidential Scandals. Luchen Li holds a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon and is Assistant Professor of Humanities at Kettering University in Michigan.

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
A comprehensive biography which includes critical commentary on his novels, short stories, nonfiction and other works
By Midwest Book Review
John Steinbeck is not only the most beloved of American authors - he's one of the most studied, so Critical Companion To John Steinbeck: A Literary Reference To His Life And Work will find many student readers; from high school to college. Here's a comprehensive biography which includes critical commentary on his novels, short stories, nonfiction and other works, discussing major themes, characters, film adaptations, and more. The blend of biography and critical reviews of all of Steinbeck's works provides students with all the background they need, handily under one cover.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
In depth coverage
By Joyce M. Tener
I have a comprehensive study of this author with this book. More than I had imagined. I did read the entries appropriate for my project e.g. East Of Eden and biographical information. While concise I feel I am prepared for the occasion for which I ordered the book and enjoyed the read. From the list of other books by the same author I have selected a few more to read and think this book will help me enjoy those reads as well. Perhaps scholarly but not snooty and incomprehensible.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great Resource Material
By Richard R. Hays
As a retired English educator, I ordered this book for our High School Freshman granddaughter who had chosen to write a research paper about Steinbeck. This book answered all her queries and gave her a depth of material from which to write her paper. She was delighted when I gave it to her. Her smile and hug was all that I needed. Apparently, the book was useful as she received an "A" on her paper.

See all 4 customer reviews...

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John Steinbeck: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work (Literary a to Z Series), by Jeffrey Schultz, Luchen Li PDF

John Steinbeck: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work (Literary a to Z Series), by Jeffrey Schultz, Luchen Li PDF

John Steinbeck: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work (Literary a to Z Series), by Jeffrey Schultz, Luchen Li PDF
John Steinbeck: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work (Literary a to Z Series), by Jeffrey Schultz, Luchen Li PDF